Core Expertise

LEAN GeoSolutions’ is a leader in worldwide deepwater exploration and development projects, especially post-salt AVO/DHI plays.

We have developed our own proprietary techniques and workflows to de-risk amplitude-supported subsalt prospects.

The company is committed to providing advanced geophysical solutions to exploration and development project. We provide services and advise to subsurface teams, managers, leaders, investors and investment banks across the oil and gas industry. Its services are provided worldwide and at the highest industry standards. Key expertise and focus areas include but not limited to rock physics diagnostics, AVO interpretation including gather conditioning, play analysis, lead generation, prospect maturation, risk analysis, volume calculation, data room prospect reviews, velocity model building, net-pay estimation, 1D/2D/3D/4D seismic forward modelling, 3D/4D seismic interpretation, 3D seismic Close-the-Loop to achieve consistency between static model scenarios and 3D seismic data for volume estimation & Field Development Planning, 4D seismic Close-the-Loop to achieve consistency between dynamic simulation models and 4D seismic data for production optimization and infill drilling.

Geographical areas where the company has significant experience are: US GoM; Mexico; the Atlantic margins especially Guyana, Suriname, Brazil, West Africa (Equatorial Guinea, Angola, Nigeria, Morocco, Senegal….etc) & Canada; Middle East (UAE, Oman, Kuwait & Egypt) and the US unconventional plays.

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Phone:  (713) 679.1370
5847 San Felipe, Suite 1700, Houston, TX 77057
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