Our Technologies

LEAN GeoSolutions does not have any immediate plans for developing its own commercial software.

We believe there is no value added in re-inventing the wheel. We beleive today’s technologies, which are readily available for us to use in many commercial softwares are sufficient for solving almost any deepwater geophysical problem, especially in AVO plays around the world, except for the amplitude supported subsalt prospects, where LEAN GeoSolutions has made some advancements. The solutions to challenging problems are not in the commercial softwares themselves but rather in the way our ideas are developed and deployed. Our proprietary ideas, workflows and techniques can be customized to fit our clients’ needs. Our aim is to utilize the wealth of information, knowledge and experience out there and make them readily available to our clients. This gives us the flexibility to implement, test and modify those ideas in any commercial software preferred by our clients. Basically, you don’t have to buy our software to utilise our experience and expertise! We have the flexibility to implement and customize our proprietary workflows into any commercial software which our clients use in-house, so we can minimize data format and transfer issues.

Our proprietary ideas and workflows, which are an extension of existing technologies can be implemented, tested and deployed for you on your project and in-house, without having to go and shop for a new software. We are also happy to train your subsurface team on how to put to use the ideas we implement for you in-house.

At LEAN GeoSolutions, we believe our business model is very unique, because of its reliance on the experience and expertise of its people, rather than a specific software. We can customize our ideas and workflows to fit your needs and implement them in the software you use daily. LEAN GeoSolutions' strength lies in its flexibility, while its competitiveness lies in its people.

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Phone:  (713) 679.1370
5847 San Felipe, Suite 1700, Houston, TX 77057
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